EthicaCBD se consacre à votre bien-être quotidien et nous soutenons ce voyage avec le CBD de la plus haute qualité. Notre CBD est fabriqué à partir de chanvre soigneusement cultivé, qui est produit de manière éthique et durable, puis solidement testé dans les meilleurs laboratoires du monde afin de garantir les meilleurs soins à base de plantes.
"Offrir le meilleur CBD pour les personnes et la planète. Pour ce faire, nous mettons l'accent sur la qualité dans tout ce que nous faisons."
- Olivier Reiner - CO-Fondateur
Nos plantes ont la possibilité de s’épanouir parce que nous leur fournissons des conditions de croissance optimales et que nous les nourrissons avec l’amour dont elles ont besoin. Cette attention portée à la nature est inextricablement liée à nos méthodes de production d’une précision incontestable, qui garantissent que l’amour que nous portons à nos cultures se répercute sur votre corps.
Pouvons-nous le prouver ? Oui. Un quadruple test strict est effectué pour garantir scientifiquement la qualité absolue de notre produit final. À chaque étape du processus, nous pouvons fièrement affirmer que nos produits sont exempts de cruauté, de toxines et de métaux lourds, et qu’ils respectent les principes du véganisme.
Le résultat ? Une gamme de produits CBD unique en son genre.
L’éthique la plus fondamentale de notre entreprise est celle de la qualité. Nous sommes une entreprise fièrement cornouaillaise qui a parcouru le monde pour s’approvisionner en chanvre biologique de la meilleure qualité et qui a mis au point des méthodes d’extraction précises afin de pouvoir offrir un niveau de pureté naturelle jamais atteint auparavant dans toute notre gamme de produits CBD.
Nous savons que le respect de nos principes de qualité exceptionnelle et de transparence est la raison pour laquelle nos clients nous font confiance et reviennent vers nous à chaque fois. Nous sommes fiers de montrer la voie en matière d’huiles de CBD pures et éthiques, et de proposer un gel sport naturel révolutionnaire, ainsi que des produits de soin du visage au CBD, 100% formulés et produits en France.
Nous nous engageons à toujours fournir des produits CBD d’une pureté et d’une qualité exceptionnelles. Nos ingrédients proviennent de sources responsables, nos produits sont testés selon les normes les plus strictes avant d’être mis en rayon et nos emballages sont toujours aussi écologiques que possible.
Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour nos clients ? Ils peuvent améliorer leur vie avec du CBD pur tout en soutenant une entreprise qui a un impact positif sur la planète.
EthicaCBD developed as a necessary solution to the issues faced by one of our founder’s, Oli, when dealing with the disease Ankylosing Spondylitis. Whilst confidently searching for a high-quality CBD extract that would help his personal circumstances, he became increasingly frustrated by the abundance of inferior products available. Oli knew that a CBD range with consistently high levels of purity would benefit not only himself but potentially millions of others too, so he set about establishing EthicaCBD. The brief was simple: to offer the best CBD products on the market, placing an uncompromising emphasis on quality. Now, after much preparation and development, we can proudly say we achieved that.
"EthicaCBD is intent on positioning itself as the market leader in CBD products, and it aims to do so whilst leading the charge on ethics and sustainability. From our raw materials to our final product, every care is taken to deliver a new generation of CBD experiences."
- Olivier Reiner | CO-Founder
EthicaCBD’s existence owes itself to Oli’s first-hand experience with CBD. Educated in Europe, Oli entered the wellness and cosmetics industry in 1999.
After being diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis, a potentially debilitating autoimmune disease that manifests itself in severe back pain and muscle inflammation, he began seeking alternatives to expensive and life-altering treatments. After many months of thoroughly researching solutions that avoided medication that would suppress his body’s immune system, Oli initially tackled his condition by making dramatic changes to his diet. The results were positive, but he was keen to do more.
During his research, Oli uncovered many cases of CBD being used to assist with conditions similar to his own. Keen to discover the impact for himself he sampled a variety of brands. This experimentation led to frustration, partly due to the vast fluctuations in quality and effectiveness. Convinced by the impact that a premium CBD range could have on his own condition and the livelihood of millions of others, the seed of EthicaCBD was planted.
Oli’s vision was clear. He wanted to create the best range of products available on the market. Recognising that this meant a commitment to quality at every stage of the process, he and his fellow founders set about sourcing the finest organic hemp, establishing precise methods for extraction, and delivering a previously unachieved level of natural purity to the mainstream consumer.
Ruarri has an in-depth understanding of the cannabis plant and he recognises exactly what it takes to create the best possible products from this versatile plant.
Working with the EthicaCBD cofounders for more than 20 years, his level of expertise brings an intricate knowledge of how to achieve the highest quality CBD extracts. He is committed to putting each stage of the production process under the spotlight and is constantly questioning whether improvements can be made to enhance the final product.
Combining this drive for quality with a desire to operate in the most sustainable and ethical ways possible, Ruarri plays a vital role in ensuring EthicaCBD consistently delivers on its promises.
David has spent 60 years excelling in the fragrance, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, recognising what it takes to look after yourself. As a keen sportsman, he uses CBD products to supplement and boost his daily routines.
An unstoppable belief in CBD was concretely affirmed as he witnessed the dramatic effect that it had on improving the wellbeing of his son Olivier. Inspired by that impact, and aware that his expertise could play a vital role in the company’s success, David joined the other founders in the establishment of EthicaCBD.
Also committed to ethical sustainability and bio-friendly credentials, David plays an important part in ensuring that EthicaCBD continues to be vegan-friendly, free from heavy metals and toxins, and not tested on animals.
EthicaCBD France
325 chemin de la roche du guide
26780 MALATAVERNE France