Join the EthicaCBD 100 Club with this Ethical Gift

The past few years have seen us isolated and disconnected from our friends and loved ones. Why not reconnect with those around us and embark on a wellness journey together? 

By sharing your CBD journey with someone who is also looking for a brighter tomorrow, you can support each other and share in your wellbeing together. This set of five CBD oils gives you the opportunity to spread a little love to whomever you think might need some extra botanical magic in their life. Not only that, but every purchase of this ethical wellness bundle will result in the planting of 100 trees, so the planet can heal with you.

Show someone you care with a gift that truly keeps on giving. Enjoy the entire Pure Swiss CBD range for a reduced price of £100 (RRP £150). 

When you become a member of the EthicaCBD 100 Club you’ll receive a recyclable hemp certificate to celebrate your contribution towards protecting our wonderful world and join our ever-growing network of environmentalists who demand more from their wellness. How often do you get to plant 100 trees for someone you love?

The 100 Club in a Nutshell:

  • Buy a Pure Swiss CBD Oil Gift Set for £100 (saving £50)
  • We will plant 100 trees
  • You will receive a certificate for the recipient
  • You can sit back knowing you’ve chosen the best ethical gift for people and planet

Why join the EthicaCBD 100 Club?

Trees breathe life into our world. Why not gift more consciously by choosing an ethical gift which will breathe life back into this beautiful planet we call home?

It’s never been a more important time to take action – our planet needs us to act now so that we can tackle climate change head-on and protect our future. 

Trees play a vital role in combating climate chaos by removing harmful emissions from the air and restoring natural habitats. The old proverb goes, “the best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago”. The second best time is NOW. 

Here at EthicaCBD, we pride ourselves on standing strong & sticking to our core principles of ethical practice so that we can continue to be a CBD company in which you can firmly place your trust. Because we are one of the fastest growing CBD companies in the UK, responsibility lies with us to ensure that every single action we take as a business is sustainable, considerate and responsible. 

The simplest way to take action is to ensure you choose an ethical gift which contributes to restoring the wellbeing of our planet. We invite you to be part of our journey towards sustainability, protecting biodiversity and supporting local communities…

How Does the EthicaCBD 100 Club Gift Offer Work?

Partnering with Tree-nation, we will plant 100 trees for every Pure Swiss CBD gift set bought. We have so far planted 3760 trees (and counting!) The lucky recipient will not only receive a thoughtful, wellness-enhancing ethical gift, but you can also rest easy knowing that you have chosen the most ethical and eco-conscious way of gifting.

Our Pure CBD gift set harnesses the power of carefully-selected plant extracts, terpenes, minerals, vitamins and pure Swiss CBD to enhance your daily life. This complex blend of natural botanicals helps you to achieve natural balance, creating a lighter, brighter version of you.

To thank you for choosing to protect our planet, the first 100 customers will receive a 33% discount so that the Pure Swiss CBD Gift Set is just £100 (usual RRP £150).

By becoming part of the EthicaCBD ‘100 Club’, you will receive a certificate printed on sustainable hemp to certify that you have planted 100 trees and contributed towards the fight against deforestation. Hemp can be grown using very little water, no pesticides required, can be recycled 8-9 times and growing this crop actually enriches the soil via phytoremediation. Hemp is also known to absorb at least 8 times more carbon dioxide than trees, making it an ethically-sound option for gift certificates.

Join us in increasing our brand’s impact on fighting climate change and let’s change the world together, one tree at a time.

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